Arbor Day, the official day for tree planting in many states, is celebrated in January. It’s a reminder to get out there and plant trim, and deadhead trees. But it’s not for those who make common planting errors. Expert arborists and licensed trimming professionals are available to help those with a green thumb. Even planting a tree seems simple, but it can be difficult.

There are many “prime times” for planting trees, depending on where you live. However, January is a great choice. While shade trees generally “take” well in winter and autumn, you could be setting yourself up to fail if you use poor planting practices. You can also consider getting expert help for tree planting.


It’s more than just planting. It’s also about immediate care. These are the most common mistakes that people make and you will be able to quickly create a beautiful landscape.

1. Select the right tree

Although this may seem obvious, a bad tree or the wrong tree placed in the right place can have serious consequences. Not all trees are of high quality. They might not be suitable for your area.

2. Just the right depth

Too deep planting can lead to major problems. Make sure the root ball’s top is at the grade. Mulch should not be used on the lower trunk.

3. Just the right width

When you plant a tree make sure that the hole is at least two to three times larger than the root ball. This will encourage root growth laterally. Roots grow outward, not downward, so give your tree a fighting chance.

Also, check for root-bound trees before you plant. Use the same soil you used to start your planting.