There are many different types of shroom drip, and each has its own set of benefits. Here are three of the most common types:

1. Dry Sesh: This style is perfect for beginners who want to self care and enjoy the full effects of the mushroom without having to worry about getting wet. You'll need a heatproof bowl, some dry herb (such as cannabis), and a vaporizer. Simply sprinkle your herb into the bowl, place it on the heating element, and wait for it to start streaming. Once it's hot, take it off the heat and inhale deep through your nose.

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2. WET SESH: For those who want to  get really lost in the experience, wet sesh is the way to go. You'll need a container filled with water, some clean bowls or cups, and your vaporizer. Begin by mixing your dry herb with some water in one bowl or cup. Then add more water until you have a slurry consistency (it shouldn't be too runny or too thick). Finally, pour this mixture into another bowl or cup, put it on the heating element of your vaporizer, and wait for it to start streaming. Take careful note of how hot it is—you don't want it to get too hot or you'll end up burning your herb. Once it's hot, inhale through your nose like you did during dry sesh mode.

3. BUBBLES: If you  want to experience the full effects of the mushroom without having to worry about any of the work, bubbles are the way to go. Simply fill a water bottle or container with clean water and add your dry herb. Then screw on the top of your vaporizer and wait for it to heat up.