Hair follicles are key to human health and beauty. They play a role in water retention, oil production, and more. If you’re looking to keep your hair healthy and strong, you need to know about hair follicle growth. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the factors that influence hair follicle growth. 

Here are four key factors that influence hair follicle growth:

1. Hormones

Hormones play a major role in controlling hair follicle growth and development. Growth hormones such as testosterone promote hair growth in men and women, while estrogen helps maintain hair during puberty. Other hormones such as prolactin and thyroid hormone can also have an impact on hair growth. You can learn more about hair follicle growth via

2. Genetics

Your genes play a role in the way your body produces hormones, which in turn affects hair follicle growth. Some people are born with thicker hair than others because of their genetic makeup.

3. Environmental factors

The environment can also affect hair follicle growth. Exposure to sunlight can stimulate the production of growth hormones, while exposure to pollutants can damage the cells that produce scalp hairs.

4. Diet

A healthy diet can support hair growth by providing the nutrients needed for follicle growth and development. Dietary supplements such as biotin and vitamin B6 can also help support hair growth.

While these four factors are important, there is no one-size-fits-all approach to hair growth. Everyone's hair grows at a different rate and will respond differently to the same treatment.