Web design is a very important part of any business. Not only does a website give you an online presence, but it can also help you attract new customers and boost your SEO. There are many factors to consider when choosing a web design agency for your small business, so here are four key points to keep in mind: 

1. Budget – Make sure you have a clear idea of how much money you're willing to spend on a website project and find an agency that aligns with your budget. You don't want to end up spending more than necessary or overpaying for features that aren't essential. T40 Digital marketing agency logoare a full-service digital marketing agency, specialising in WordPress Web Design, SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and PPC (Pay Per Click) advertising, creative branding and graphic design.

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2. Experience – It's important to choose an agency with experience in the niche your business is in. This will help them create a website that reflects your brand and meets your specific needs.

3. Speed & Quality – It's crucial that the website comes together quickly and without any hitches. Both speed and quality should be guaranteed from the start, so finding an agency that offers these qualities is key.

4. Customer Service – Make sure you have access to customer service if anything goes wrong during the website development process. An agency that provides good customer service should be able to address any issues promptly and efficiently. 

These are just four key factors to consider when choosing a web design agency. There are many others that you should take into account, such as the agency's portfolio, pricing, and licensing requirements. Ultimately, it's important to choose an agency that will help your business grow and succeed online.