If you're looking to add a screened enclosure to your outdoor space, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure the area you're installing the patio screen in is large enough to accommodate the size of the screen. Second, consult with an expert about how to install a best patio screened enclosure so that it's both structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing.

To install a patio screened enclosure yourself, first measure the area you want covered and multiply that by the size of your desired screen. This will give you an idea of how much ground-covering material you'll need. For example, if your patio is 120 square feet and you want a 60-inch-wide screen, you'll need six bags of gravel or four bags of sand. 

Once you have your materials gathered, start by layering them on top of each other in whatever pattern looks best to you. Be sure to leave at least an inch or two between layers so that wind and rain can circulate through the screening. Next, use a trowel or shovel to shape the material into a flat surface. Make sure the corners and edges are smooth so that they look uniform when finished. 

Finally, cover the top layer of screening with another layer of gravel or sand and repeat until your enclosure is complete. If desired, you can also add decorative features like plants or stones before finishing off your project. If you're having trouble installing a patio screened enclosure on your own, consult with a professional landscaping company.