Middle school in Holland is a time of great transition for students. They move from the elementary school system into a more academically rigorous environment. In addition, they are also exposed to a greater variety of social activities and opportunities. Holland secondary School  has a long tradition of excellence in academics, athletics, and the arts. 

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The following tips will help you navigate this new stage in your child's education:

– Talk to your child's teacher about what to expect in middle school. This can help you both be on the same page when it comes to expectations and goals.

– Encourage your child to get involved in extracurricular activities. This is a great way for them to make new friends and explore their interests.

– Help them stay organized by creating a study schedule and providing them with adequate study materials.

– Keep communication open with your child so that you can address any concerns or issues that may come up. 

– Encourage your child to take advantage of the school's guidance and counseling services.

– Make sure to review the school's policies about attendance, dress code, and behavioral expectations.

These tips can help make the transition into middle school in Holland smoother for both you and your child.


We hope that this guide to middle school in Holland has been helpful in understanding the educational system and what to expect when you or your child is enrolled. From the different types of schools available to information on student life, we now have a solid foundation of knowledge about what it takes to be successful in Dutch middle school.