Manual handling is the process of lifting, carrying or moving objects by hand. It can be hazardous if not done correctly, and can lead to musculoskeletal injuries such as strains, sprains or fractures.

That’s why a manual handling training course is essential in any workplace where employees are required to lift, carry or move objects by hand. The training should cover how to safely lift and carry objects, and how to use proper body mechanics to avoid injuries.

Manual handling training is essential for any workplace where employees are required to lift, lower, push or pull objects. The purpose of the training is to ensure that employees are able to safely and correctly perform these tasks, in order to avoid injury.

There are a number of potential injuries that can occur as a result of incorrect manual handling, including back injuries, strains and sprains. These injuries can often be debilitating, and may result in time off work. In some cases, they can even lead to long-term health problems.

By ensuring that all employees receive manual handling training, workplaces can reduce the risk of these injuries occurring. The training will teach employees how to safely lift and move objects, as well as how to identify when it is not safe to do so. This knowledge will help to create a safer working environment for everyone involved.